Continually Amazed...
I just love how everyone that I know is nothing but a smartass. And not nice smartasses, either, oh no. We have to be mean, condescending, painful smartasses. I'm just going to stop talking to EVERYONE. Screw it.
And yes, I am blonde, so I know it's not a huge deal to many people, but I am continually amazed by what I find in this world. Take today, for example. I googled my blog and found stock ratings about it. That's right, 'this is how much money this blog is worth at the moment, + or - 15 minutes' stock ratings. It was amazing. Who the hell is makin' money off my blog??? You'd better talk, you... All I can say is I wish I had the money that they said it was worth. DAMN! I'm doing pretty good, according to them...
I got a thankyou card from Dave and Sarah yesterday. I wonder how they are doing. I would call him, but I don't know... I feel wierd about it now. I feel like I lost my best friend, a bit. I know that's silly of me, but I do. He has his own life now, and I don't need to be imposing mine on him - especially the way mine's going right now. Crazy...
Well, I got another chapter in Pathophysiology read this morning. I have my midterm for nutrition down in Phoenix tomorrow, after which I might go see my cousin Mindy. I haven't really decided yet. *shrugs* Hey, I can be indecisive if I want to! :)
Song Quote of the Moment: "(I'm) Really tryin' to understand all the powers that rule this land"
Just letting you know, I still read your blog. And it's great to hear what's been going on in your life again. Bummer that you live far from David and he's got his own life to live, but you still live a lot closer than I do to him. Anyway, keep that chin up!
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