Sunday, February 20, 2005

Rain, rain, and did I say rain?

Okay, I know better than most the kind of drought that Arizona has been suffering through these past years, but enough is enough! No more rain!!! I'm sick of it! I want sunshine and blue skies and warmth... No more closed road and running creeks and shitty weekends. I'm not dealing with it anymore...

One positive of all the rain is that Roosevelt Lake is full. Yes, for all of you Arizonans that just spit soda all over the screen or lapsed into a heart attack, Roosevelt is really full. I've never seen it full. Ever. It's only about three or four feet below the top of the old dam. Looks really cool; really good. Lots and lots of recreational fun this summer. Oh, yeah, if it ever stops raining...

I have got a headache from hell - hate my parent's smoking. I did get to see my boyfriend today, though, which was a first for the week. I really missed him. I wish I had about thirty hours in every day. I might get caught up then.

Got a good grade on my midterm, but I have ten more chapters to read for last week, and another six or so this week. I wish the material was interesting. It's really not, though. Yuck. Too much school. I will never do this to myself again. Never.

I'm going to Virginia with my mom this summer. We're going to stay for a week and go see all of the tourist traps and historic battlegrounds and go to Busch Gardens. Should be lots of fun.

I wonder if David's apartment has slid off a hill yet. Need to find out, I do.

Song Quote of the Moment: "You're my better half"

~Brad Paisley?


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