Thursday, August 22, 2002

Back in Flagstaff again...

And absolutely bored out of my mind!!! Let's see, what am I doing... I just sent JP an email, and Brian before him, and I'm dishing out relationship counselling to Scott. Poor guy - he wants this relationship to work so bad and I just don't think it's going to for him. She's only 17 and he's 20, and they live four states apart, and they just don't want the same things. *laughs* Why does he want my help. Don't do it, Scott! I'm a disaster waiting to happen!!! ^_^

Well I took my polygraph today and the man told me if I ever commit a murder I better never have to take a lie detector test... *grins* But he did say that there didn't seem to be any indication that I was lying, so I guess that's a good thing. I hope I get hired. I hope I can still shoot. I really need some money... AHHHH!!!

Song Quote of the Moment: "Unsinkable ships sink"


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